Whiteknights Primary School is a Good school
Whiteknights Primary School was visited by Ofsted inspectors on 28 Feb and 1 March 2023 and was judged as Good in all areas.
The report, which can be read in full on the Ofsted website, highlights the academic rigour and high achievement of the pupils who enjoy the school’s structured curriculum. It was clear to inspectors that:
- “Sound awareness begins in nursery and flows through to phonics in reception”
- “Children do well at this school and achieve high standards in reading, writing and mathematics”
- “Pupils like learning new things such as Latin”
- “Pupils work with positive attitudes. They settle to work quickly, try their best and are proud of their achievements.”
The report goes on to praise the breadth of activities on offer mentioning after school clubs, sporting events, musical performances and residential visits which strengthen children’s learning, add to their positive experience and nurture them as all-rounders.
Whiteknights’ watertight safeguarding culture also received a positive mention: “There is a strong culture of safeguarding in this school. Staff know pupils well. The trust [BPET] has strong processes to enable trustees to maintain close oversight of safeguarding.”
The excellent reputation of the school amongst parents was also recognised: “Parents hold the school in high esteem and are full of praise for the education and care that their children receive”. The school is, indeed, regularly oversubscribed.
Francois Walker, Headteacher, says: “I am delighted that the positive attitudes of our pupils and the ongoing support of families for the school has been recognised. I’m proud of the dedication that staff give to pupils each and every day. Leading Whiteknights is an honour and a privilege. I’m more excited than ever about our future!”
In addition to the school’s high praises, Ofsted commented on the support and training offered by our trust, and noticed how the school leaders’ ambitions are clear and fully aligned with the trust’s aspirations. They report that: “The trust’s regular reviews support leaders well in fulfilling their roles and hold them to account. Staff benefit from sharing good practice with their counterparts in other schools within BPET. They enjoy working at the school and appreciate leaders’ work to help them manage workload. New entrants to the profession value their good-quality training.”
Laura Gregory, BPET Director of Education, says: “We are really proud that Ofsted identified Whiteknights Primary School’s curriculum as their greatest strength, together with clear leadership and meticulous attention to safeguarding issues. And we are also very pleased that the work we put in to support and train our staff shone through. We are a family of schools and a school’s success is shared for all schools to learn from.”
Whiteknights Primary School is an oversubscribed two-form entry school with a nursery, serving a community to the east of Reading. The school joined the Bellevue Place Education trust on 1 January 2022. See more at www.whiteknights.wokingham.sch.uk