Former Prime Minister Theresa May visits Braywick Court School
Mrs Theresa May MP has long been acquainted with Braywick Court School having inaugurated the school building when it opened in 2019. Since then, the school has gone from strength to strength and was judged outstanding by Ofsted twice in a row. Braywick Court School is well known in the local community for its excellent broad curriculum and attention to the wellbeing of the children not only inside the classroom, but outside too.
This is the reason why the school, with the full support of the parents, has been campaigning with the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to restrict parking on Hibbert Road. The road presents numerous blind spots made worse by cars parked on the sides, with the result of fully obstructing the view.
School parents adhere religiously to the school’s green travel plan; staff operates a walking bus three times a day from the nearby leisure centre and, for those parents who have to drive, the council provides temporary permits for pick up and drop off times. This is how the school can easily monitor that those parked on the road are not school parents.
As there is a spacious alternative parking area outside the school as well as at the leisure centre nearby, the school believes that deploying a no-parking ban on the dangerous road is a no-brainer.
Theresa May MP, former Prime Minister, said: “I was delighted to be back at Braywick Court School speaking with pupils about their studies and to discuss Braywick’s campaign for greater road safety. I saw firsthand just how seriously Headteacher Michelle Robertson and the entire school faculty take the safety of children in their care.
There is absolutely a need for greater traffic controlling measures on Hibbert road and I know from previous exchanges with interested residents, just how important an issue road safety is for the local community. I am pleased to see that, with thanks to Braywick Court School, progress towards the aim is taking place”.
Michelle Robertson, Headteacher said: “As a highly oversubscribed school, we have a duty to ensure that all members of our school and local community remain safe when travelling to and from school, and it has taken almost 5 years for RBWM to take timid steps in support of our cause. We are very grateful to Mrs May for championing our campaign and putting the safety of the children first, ahead of bureaucracy”.
Mrs Kathryn Bowden, parent at the school, said: “As a new parent of the school, I’m amazed at how many locals don’t even know there is a school there. The lack of signage and speed restrictions is shocking when you compare it to another school down the road which has flashing lights and a 20mph limit during school times as well as speed bumps. Crossing the road to get into our school can be quite precarious, with no crossing to help either.”
Mr Kevin Pover, another parent, said: "The dangers are seen far too often, especially at peak school times, and as a father of young children I find it unacceptable that there is significantly more risk on the road outside Braywick Court School in comparison to most others around the country. The sensible solution would be for the council to mitigate the risks by reducing the speed limit to 20mph, increasing awareness of the school for road users with appropriate signage and to ensure parents and children have a much safer way of crossing the road outside."