BPET Invictus Games 2024
Watling Park School hosted this year's Invictus Games for our London hub, a sporting event designed to boost the confidence and self-esteem of low-confidence and special education needs children in Key Stage 2. Organised by our BPET Sports Champions Daniel Bavington and Jack Briley, and with the support of the participating schools' sports coaches, the competition provided a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone involved was celebrated.
Teams of children from Watling Park School, Deer Park School, Halley House School and Whitehall Park School came together to try their hand at boccia, new age kurling, dangerball, and archery. Points were awarded to each team, however the emphasis was on encouraging participation, building confidence, fostering teamwork, and promoting a positive and enjoyable sporting experience.
At the end of the sports-filled day, each pupil was awarded a gold medal for their efforts whilst the air filled with cheers of encouragement from their peers. Each and every pupil gave their absolute best, and we want to congratulate everyone that took part in the competition.
Malia, a Year 3 pupil at Whitehall Park School, took part in the games for the first time. After receiving her medal she reflected on the event: "My favourite activity was dangerball!" and expressed excitement at partaking in the games again next year.
BPET Invictus Games 2024
We would like to express our sincere thanks to BPET Sports Champions Daniel Bavington and Jack Briley for organising this event and to all the sports coach who came and supported our pupils during this event.