Invictus Games 2023
For the first time this year, we hosted the BPET Invictus Games for children in Key Stage 2 who are low in confidence or with special needs.
Our Sports Champions Dan Bavington and Jack Briley led the way, with the support of all schools’ sports coaches, in bringing to BPET this new competition where everyone is a winner.
Teams of 10 children from Rutherford Park School, Kilburn Grange School, Watling Park School, Deer Park School and Whitehall Park School came together to experience boccia, new age kurling, dangerball and archery. Each pupil gained points for their team; however the real focus was on trying out news sports, building confidence, feeling part of a team and enjoying the physical movement and the overall experience.
Everyone received a medal in recognition of their efforts and participation.
Mr Bavington said: “All BPET schools work to make sure all pupils grow and develop a love for sport; through the Invictus Games we are able to make sure that every pupil has the ability to represent and participate in sport.”
Mark Greatrex, BPET Chief Executive, said: “These new games are a wonderful opportunity to get children together to enjoy a sporting competition across the schools. developing confidence and self-esteem. Thank you to Dan and Jack for arranging these, and to Watling Park School for hosting.”