Evendons Primary School gets ‘Eco School’ Green Flag Accreditation
We are very proud of Evendons Primary School, our Outstanding STEM school in Wokingham (Berkshire), who has been awarded the Eco School Green Flag last September.
Back in 2021, the school had already developed a green programme with a series of initiatives and events which were part of – and driven by – the school’s curriculum. But thanks to the passion of some members of staff, Evendons decided to take their green commitment to the next level.
During the 2022-2023 school year, the school’s action plan revolved around three key elements: travel, waste and school grounds, and an Eco-Committee was formed involving 14 pupils from Reception to Year 6. The committee created an “Eco Code”, a collection of memorable slogans such as “Walk, bike or take a hike” that the pupils put forward after collective creative sessions.
Evendons also worked together with My Journey Wokingham regarding their sustainable travel policies, and received a Platinum Award for their efforts in this regard.
Other significant examples have been the challenges children posed to school suppliers: letters were written to suppliers requesting to share information about their sustainable practices; also a whole Eco Day was created where visitors were invited to come to school and observe the grounds and its wildlife, and plant 100 trees in what is now known as the Queen Canopy.
Instrumental to deliver the green agenda was Year 3 teacher Holly Wright, who has even bigger plans for the current academic year.
Headteacher Stacey Read says: “I am very proud of our teachers and our pupils, who understand the importance to look after the environment we live in, and take action towards a greener future.”